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Educational Courses

1: Injury management of Dancers and Gymnasts:


A practical approach on

assessing, treating and working with dancers


~ This course is for Medical Professionals (Biokineticists, Physiotherapists, Pilates Instructors)


- CPD Accredited



2: Injury management of Dancers and Gymnasts:


A practical Guide for Dancers, Dance Teachers, Coaches and Parents. 


~ An interactive workshop to assist in injury management and prevention through corrective training techniques, strength conditioning and flexibility techniques especially developed for Dancers and Gymnasts.

3: How it all Began! The beginning of Pilates 


~ We take you through the history of Pilates and where it all started and the thought behind the technique.


~ We finish off by running through the initial 34 mat exercises originally designed for optimal health and wellbeing by Joseph Pilates himself.


This course is for anyone who is interested in learning more about your body, movement in general and gaining a greater understanding.

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