"How it all began!" ~Workshop
We will be going through the original 34 Pilates Mat exercises as developed by the man himself-Joseph Pilates.
I will be hosting a workshop on "How it all began!"
This is an educational workshop about Pilates and how it all started and is open to anyone who is interested in Pilates and has a love for movement.
I will also take you through the original 34 mat exercises developed and taught in the same style as Joseph Pilates. This is approximately a 90 minute class. Be prepared to work hard.
It includes:
Educational information about history of Pilates, how it was developed and why it is called Pilates
Interesting videos of Joseph Pilates doing class and as well as development of equipment
Original 34 Pilates mat exercises in sequence
Snack and refreshments
Lucky draws
Bookings are essential and spaces are limited.
Looking forward to spreading the Pilates love.